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Burn First Aid - Fire, Scalds (Scaldins)
Chokin Aware Victim, Aware Hurt One
Chokin Unaware Victim, Unaware Hurt One
CPR Certification Courses Offline
Your group should rehearse these procedures (below), usin make-believe victims, either dummies or live people, at least once each week. That is, each week rehearse part of the followin routine, until it is pat.
Then, a year later, rehearse again. Refreshen yourselves on it once each year. Be careful not to "manifest" accidents, just so you can participate in them. Keep the attitude of "God, what you want me to do".
The best way to forfend injury, scathe, and ill health, is to attract guardian angels, and the grace, of the God of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob.
Next best is to study safety.
ALWAYS TREAT FOR SHOCK (click to see the treatment for shock) Every accident, or hurtin, is with also shock. Treatment, for shock, is linked in the list below.
1. See to it that somebody calls 911. Outside USA here is a list of emergency numbers Emergency Telephone Numbers. Here is a discussion and a list of Emergency Telephone Numbers. Here are some tips on How To Handle Emergency Calls.
2. See that the hurt one is safe. Nothin is goin to fall on them, they are not in the road, or the road is barricaded, no fire is approachin them, no live wires are close to them. They are not in danger of slidin or fallin.
3. Check whether there is 1. much bleedin 2. pulse 3. breathin 4. consciousness.
4. Demur to move a hurt one, who is not alert. Scathe may be done to their spine.
5. Fetch the first aid kit.
6. Check the hurt one.
7. Don your protective gear.
8. Minister to the hurt one, till better help come.
9. So lon as the whereabouts is safe, leave the hurt one where they lie.
-Survey the victim, the hurt one, from head to toe for bleedin, protrudin bones, limb deformity, medic alert bracelet, burns, and unusual skin color.
-Check the air way. If the tounge is blockin the throat and there is no spinal injury, gently tilt the forehead back and lift chin
-Check breathin. Look for chest movement, listen to chest, feel for breathin.
-Check circulation. Place two fingers on throat to feel for pulse.
[This is the end of the online first aid segment about what to look for.]
What to look for: Cuts, punctures or other breaks in the skin.
-ALWAYS keep a barrier between you and the victim, the hurt one, usin latex gloves, plastic, or cardboard
-Apply direct pressure using a clean cloth or sterile dressin directly on the wound. Do not remove it until trained help arrives.
-Do not elevate the wound if there are fractures (breakins) or head, chest, abdominal or spinal injuries: otherwise, elevate the wound above the hurt one's heart level.
-If you suspect a fracture, a breakin, do not apply direct pressure.
-For severe bleedin: ARM-apply pressure to inside of upper arm. LEG-usin the heel of your hand, apply pressure at the crease of the hurt one's groin.
-DO NOT take out any object that is lodged in a wound, see doctor for help in removal.
-Keep the victim, the hurt one, warm; monitor for shock.
[This is the end of the online first aid segment about bleedin.]
What to look for: Bones protrudin from the skin: limbs at an odd angle. Victim, the hurt one, may report hearin a bone snap or feelin bones grate against each other.
-Splint the injury in the position you found it. A splint consists of somethin to immobilize the injury (boards, cardboard, sticks), paddin (clothes or towels) and ties (strips of material, belts, ropes, etc.)
-Place paddin between the splint and injury.
-Tie gently but firmly in 3-4 places, but not directly on the wound.
-For spinal injuries: Immobilize the head usin your hands or other objects.
[This is the end of the online first aid segment about broken bones.]
What to look for:
Symptoms of First Degree Burn: Skin is red and may be swollen.
Symptoms of Second Degree Burn: Skin is red, blistered and swollen. May need medical helpin.
Symptoms of Third Degree Burn: Skin is charred and white. NEEDS MEDICAL HELPIN
-Flush the burned area with cool running water for at least 15 minutes.
-Remove contaminated clothing and jewelry.
-Monitor for shock.
-If eyes are burned, flush continupusly with water until medical help arrives.
[This is the end of the online first aid segment about chemical burns.]
What to look for:
-First Degree Burn: Skin is red and may be swollen.
-Second Degree Burn: Skin is red, blistered and swollen. May require medical assistance.
-Third Degree Burn: Skin is charred and white. REQUIRES MEDICAL ASSISTANCE
For First And Second Degree Burns:
-Submerge in cold water or cover in cool cloths.
-Do NOT break blisters.
-Apply first aid cream or gell. Do not use butter or grease.
For Third Degree Burns:
-Cover area using a sterile cloth.
-Seek medical assistance.
[This is the end of the online first aid segment about burns.]
lsi - second degree burn (8), mayo clinic diet (5), first aid (21), degree burn (13), may clinic (16), burn treatment (6), burn (75), may (5), health (6), swallowing
-Observe: Hands to throat is the universal sign fo chokin
-Ask: "Are you chokin?"
-If the victim, the hurt one, is able to talk and cough, encourage them to continue coughin
-If the victim, the hurt one, is unable to clear blockage by coughin, first call for help or have someone call 911 and then prepare to administer emergency aid.
[This is the end of the online first aid segment about what to do for a conscious chokin victim.]
-Call for help or have someone call 9-1-1.
-Place Victim on back, face up, arms at sides.
-Look, listen and feel for pulse and signs of breathing.
-Provide rescue breathing and CPR as needed.
-Head Tilt: Place on hand on victim's forhead and your other hand under the chin. Gently tilt victim's head back so the chin points up.
-Finger Sweep: If the hurt on is not breathin, open the hurt one's mouth with one hand and press the hurt one's tounge against lower jaw with your thumb. Use the index finger of your other hand and sweep the hurt one's mouth; remove any obstructions.
-Perform Rescue Breathing: Tilt the hurt one's head back and life chin up to open airway. Pinch nose tightly shut to keep air from escapin. Take a normal breath and place your mouth over the victim's open mouth to create a tight seal.
[This is the end of the online first aid segment about what to do for an uconscious chokin victim.]
What to look for: Loss of awareness
WAIT! Before providin medical assistance, make sure the area is safe.
Shut off electric current at the fuse box. Do not try to unplug electrical cords.
If electricity cannot be turned off, use wooden object (broom handle, yard stick, etc.) to push victim, the hurt one, away and out of contact with electricity.
-If victim, the hurt one, is not breathin, adminster Rescuin Breathin.
[This is the end of the online first aid segment about electrical shock.]
-If there is a thing in the eye, do not try to take it away: wait for medical helpin
-Cover BOTH eyes with sterile dressing or eye cups to immobilize them.
Do not rub or apply anything to the eye.
For black eye, you may apply ice to the surroundin area, but not directly on eye.
[This is the end of the online first aid segment about eye injuries.]
Any time there is any sudden surprise or injury, there is shock. Always treat for shock. It may not be noticeable, but it's there.
Here is how to recognize an extreme state of shock:
Skin would be cool, moist, pale, and bluish.
There may be abundant sweatin.
Eyes sunken and dull.
Possible retchin.
Probable thirst.
Possible unconsciousness.
Here is that, which you ought to do:
If you know that the spine is unhurt, then raise the legs til a foot above the ground. But not if the spine might be hurt.
If it is hard, for them to breathe, then tilt them a bit.
See to it that they don't get too hot nor too cool.
If the ambient temperature is not hot, then cover them with cloth, such as coats or blankets.
If they are hot, put shade on them, loosen their clothin, and fan them.
[This is the end of the online first aid segment about shock.]
At this telephone's number, 1-800-222-1222, you can get
Lore about educational events -- ask for an educator so they can rightly route your callin.
In U.S. and our territories call 1-800-222-1222, except...Abiders in the Federated States of Micronesia must dial an access code (288) and then 888-222-4516 to reach a poison center.
If You Suspect Poisonin, Then Look For:
Many different kinds of symptoms are possible.
Pupils, of eyes, constricted, or "pinned".
Odor on breath.
Sudden onset of sickness, or of pain.
A holder of poison is nearby.
Your Treatment:
Find your poison-controllin hub, and call, to it. All hubs, in USA, and territories (except Micronesia) use this number: 1-800-222-1222.
Here is a finder, you put your state or province into a blank field at the top of the page, then click "search":
[Note: I would rather use the word "hub" than "center" because "hub" comes from a better origin than the other word. I am a writer, and a keyer, so words' choice is important to me.]
Save the holder of the poison, or the label, and save some of the victim's vomit. Give, them, later, to professional folks.
If the victim is aware, keep him comfortably6.
Unless directed otherwise by the poisonous controllin hub, neither feed nor give drink to him, nor try to make him to retch.
If he is unaware, then roll him onto his side, and keep open his air's way.
If he needs it, then give, to him, rescuin breathin, or cardio-pulmonary resuscitatin (heart's and lungs' arousin), until those come, who are more expert, than are you.
[This is the end of the online first aid segment about poison.]
Look For:
Victim does not respond to bein touched, nor to bein hailed by his name.
Continually ask him how he feels, to check for emergin awareness.
Your Treatment:
Do not let him to be alone, except for you to call 9-11, or helpin.
Check his:
Air's way
If you find a pulse, then give, to him, rescuin breathin.
If you find no pulse, then someone, trained, should give, to him, cardio-pulmonary resuscitatin (heart's and lungs' arousin).
Keep him warm.
Give, to him, no liquid.
[This is the end of the online first aid segment about unawareness.]
The 3 levels of EMT's -- with EMT-Paramedic at the top level -- are the height of education in the subject of first aid.
Beyond the EMT-Paramedic level, you would be considered a physician.
I suggest that you form a survival group of families, and that at least one of your group members attain a paramedic certificate. Then that member can teach first aid to all the other members.
Perhaps the whole group can contribute to the cost of the course, and possibly to living expenses while the chosen member takes the course.
It would actually be a saving in money, for then you have your own free first aid teacher afterward, instead of having to pay for first aid courses for each member.
ACEP First Aid Manual, 4th Edition (Paperback)
Here is a reader's review for you to learn about this book:
"The book is well organized by color coded sections, that can be quickly found by watchin the page's edge while fannin through.
Fannin back to front shows general categories, like 'Respiratory Problems'
"...while fannin front to back shows specific situations like Choking, Drowning or Asthma.
"Each section is prefaced by a basic overview of that part of the human body,e.g. 'The Bones, Joints and Muscle Injuries' section starts with illustrations of a skeleton, the joints and muscle groups.
"The book over all is very informative, easy to be followed, and with few exceptions, is focused on the most practical and common situations offerin simple DOs and DON'Ts as well as excellent color photo references for proper techniques,Click below , and you will learn
about gettin your own copyin, of the
"...but the book also covers a very in depth range of situations, from splinters & nosebleeds to anaphylactic shock & penetratin chest wounds.
"The back of the book offers a quick and dirty 'Emergency First Aid' illustrated brief for each of the sections in a simple 1, 2, 3, 4 format and references the pages for in-depth info.
"I originally felt the book didn't do well covering internal injuries treatment, but thought better, 'First Aid' is just that, the first aid someone provides until a trained professional arrives or the victim is transported to a hospital."To go beyond what this book offers, you might want to consider an EMT training course or med school.
Click below , and you will learn
about gettin your own copyin, of the
"I had no issues with the bindin or margins of the book, but I understand another reviewer's concern about not bein able to lay it open & flat so to refer to it while givin helpin, but I believe that part of the responsibility aid givers assume is to reassure the victim.
"Keep it handily or bear the book for reference, but I wouldn't read it in front of a conscious victim.
"Calmen them, make them to be comfortable, and, if needed, excuse yourself to your wagon or another room to do a refresher, or have someone else read it, while you provide the help maybe. If it came down to it, break the spine and it will lie flat.
Click below , and you will learn
about gettin your own copyin, of the
"I feel the best use of the book is to read through it fully a couple times and learn it, then keep it for refreshers. If you really study it, you should have the confidence and basic knowledge to provide help in any situation.
"I have yet to find a book or field manual that offers better information on realistic first aid situations. I plan to order a second copyin for myself. Well worth the money & hard to imagine anyone not appreciatin this book as a thoughtful gift."Click below , and you will learn
about gettin your own copyin, of the
Learning How to Do
Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation
written by: Renuka Ramamurthy
Learning about CPR is exceedingly important and can be life-saving. Emergencies don’t wait so you can learn. Therefore, here are detailed instructions about how to do CPR.
You shouldn’t bother finding a pulse when you have a choice of doing life saving compressions. Listen for breathing by lowering your ear next to the individual’s mouth. When the victim is breathing or coughing, do not perform CPR, since doing so may cause the heart to stop beating.
1. Set the victim facing upwards. Make sure they are totally flat to avoid injury during CPR.
2. If the victim has ceased breathing, call an ambulance and carry on to the next step.
3. Place your hands on the middle of the victim's chest, right in-between the nipples. Interlace your hands and move your torso directly over them so that your arms are straight and a bit firm. Put force on their chest at least 2 inches, 4-5 cm down and release for the chest to draw back fully before the next compression.
You must wait about eighteen secs for each compression and perform 30 compressions. If you are not professionally trained in CPR, you may continue doing the chest compressions while professional assistance arrives or the person wakes up. You shouldn’t yield doing the chest compressions when you notice snaps or pops, as it is normal.
4. If you have had CPR training, you can begin rescue breathing following thirty chest compressions. Tilt the person’s head back and lift his/her chin to open the airway. Pinch his/her nose and cover their mouth with yours. You may use a CPR mask if you have one. Give a big breath to the victim , causing their chest rise.
Breathe slowly so that the air goes into the lungs and not their stomach. Permit their chest to descend before doing a rescue breath another time. If their chest doesn’t rise following the initial breath, reposition their head and start again. If you are not comfortable with rescue breathing, carry on with chest compressions at a rate of 100 per minute. If an automated external defibrillator (AED) is accessible, utilize it as early as you can to jump-start the victim’s heart.
5. Repeat thirty more chest compressions.
6. Perform 2 more rescue breaths.
7. Redo steps five and six for an estimated two minutes.
8. Following 2 minutes of chest compressions and rescue breaths, stop them and listen to the victim for breathing. If he/she is still not breathing, remain doing CPR.
9. Keep doing the process and listen for breaths at 2 minute intervals while waiting for help. Once the victim awakens, you may cease CPR.
1. Children can be carrying contagious illnesses, so exercise universal precautions and, if available, use personal protective equipment.
2. Gently tap or shake the child’s shoulders, calling out at them in a strong voice. Do not hurt them, but be physical. If the child doesn’t respond and is not breathing, call emergency before you can start CPR.
3. Put one hand on the breastbone between the child’s nipples and push down straight roughly 2 inches. Permit the chest to recoil back and keep doing the compressions thirty more times. If you have CPR training, go to step 4 of rescue breaths. If not continue with chest compressions.
4. Cover the child’s mouth with your mouth and pinch his/her nose closed using your fingers. Gently breathe into his/her mouth until his/her chest expands. Let the chest go to its originally position and repeat breathing a second time.
If the air doesn’t show any change in his/her chest when you do this, move his/her head and keep trying. If this doesn’t work, stop and return to chest compressions. You can try rescue breaths after thirty chest compressions.
5. If you are alone, do CPR for 2 minutes before getting a hold of an ambulance. If someone else is able, order them to call an ambulance while you start CPR. Even if the child is awaken, it is crucial to contact 911.
1. Little infants react positively when their feet are poked or rubbed. If the infant has aged more than two months, pat his/her shoulder or chest and call out his/her name. Don’t harm the infant but be firm.
If the child hasn’t awoken, dial 911 immediately. If there isn’t anyone that can dial 911, implement CPR for approximately 2 minutes before calling 911.
2. Place 2 fingers upon the breastbone directly between the baby’s nipples and push straight down to approximately an inch and a half. Allow the chest to rise all the way back before proceeding to perform 30 more chest compressions. If you have taken CPR training, give rescue breaths to the infant. If you haven’t just carry on giving chest compressions.
3. Cover the baby’s nose and mouth using your mouth and carefully breathe until his/her chest expands. Permit the air to leave and the chest will descend. Then, provide one additional breath.
If the breath doesn’t go in when blowing, adjust the child’s head and try again. If it still does not work, simply carry on doing chest compressions. You can attempt rescue breaths again once you have done thirty more chest compressions.
1. CPRToday.us
Review: CPRToday is extremely professional, boasting pleasant visual aids, accessible walkthroughs, and simple navigation. They have CPR courses at no cost. The site’s course fee is cheaper when compared to many of other online certifiers.
They eagerly take away ten percent of their course fee if you find a price less than their fee. You need to answer only twenty-five questions, and you are allowed two attempts to get through, which is very hard to find.
2. PROcpr
Review: This is a trendy CPR training site, but their fees seem to be expensive. PROcpr is an extremely professional site, with course videos, interactions, and simple navigation. One other good attribute about this certifier is they send you a laminated wallet card, though this is not worth paying more for.
They offer a free CPR course and give you two attempts to succeed. Besides the high cost, PROcpr is good.
3. American Health Care Academy
Even though this is a popular website for CPR certification and has several branches across the net, its course fee is surprisingly nominal.
A bit of the material on this website is old, and you have to look over the up to date procedures for the certification. The first-aid course isn’t updated on this website. The site has a professional look and has simple navigation.
In the United States, the most admirable places to acquire CPR certifications from might be the American Heart Association and the American Red Cross. Many of the countries that have a prominent Red Cross suggest classes available at this agency.
CPR certification classes can be found by getting a hold of your town’s fire station, medical center, or other emergency establishment. A great deal of these courses are instructed by off-duty or retired firefighters, nurses, and police officials.
CPR First Aid Training
Training Aid Australia
Healthcorp Australia.
Salvavidas Training Agency, Louisville
Review: Salvavidas Training Agency is superb. Using professional staff, they come to your school to teach the children how to perform CPR. Their classes are fun and entertaining, and the students are kept attentive. Australian Red Cross College
CPR First Aid Training
Australian Red Cross College
Training Aid Australia
Healthcorp Australia
EMC CPR and Safety Training
Review: Their courses and service are superb, and their life-saving training should be greatly recommended to other organizations.
Red Cross of Central New Jersey
ShowMeCPR, Inc
Hands on CPR Training
Phase 1 CPR, North Jersey
Maplewood Medical
Safety Solutions
CPR Boston
Canadian Red Cross
Alberta Health and Safety Training Institute
Canadian Red Cross Authorized Provider – Vital CPR
Active Canadian Emergency Training Inc.
A1 First Aid LtdNew Zealand Red Cross
Life Care Consultants
Waikato Occupational Health Consultancy
Heartstart TrainingSt John Ambulance
First For Medical Training
MJ First Aid Training
British Red Cross
Kent First Aid Training Courses
St John
Educare, Eastern Cape
CC Med Care
Pulse Point
Domestic Angels
Help at Home
Acqua Marine Acquatics Academy
CPR is a life saving skill, and even if you aren’t be a trained person, you can still give chest compressions in emergencies.