Free Shipping in USA! Lowest Prices!What Are The MOST FAMOUS And Popular Long-Term SURVIVAL FOODS? Click Image Above and Order Your Own Supply! First Determine Your Survival Model MRE Meals Food Bank Freeze Dried Food Hunting Fishing Foraging Plants Farming & Gardening Kosher Insects Trapping |
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Emergency Preparedness "Start by buying double in your regular store shopping."
Different Approaches toSurvival Food |
Emergency Preparedness Survival Food SupplyThe term, "survival food", can mean diversely, as your way lies.
AccumulateYour Own Supply ofDELICIOUS MRE Meals! - CLICK on THE IMAGE NOW!
MRE MEALS"Meals, Ready-To-Eat", have been made for the US military, to be more interesting menus than freeze dry food, for breakfast, lunch, and dinner. The recipes include a variety of food that will last in food storage for 3-4 years, more if cooler, less if warmer. An MRE meal will save you the time and trouble of foraging, and, since it has its own flameless heat source, will save you the time and trouble of making a fire. As an emergency survival ration, you may want to consider including them in your survival kits. MRE food has not been reported to be the best meal for food's flavor, but they save you time, and they store well, though not as long as freeze dry. The containers are indestructible, and non-reflective. To order your own supply of MRE Meals, clich this linh now: Meals Ready To Eat
FOOD BANKI suppose that a good way, to guard your own food supply, and that of your neighbors, against marauders, would be to get your neighborhood to make a large food pantry and food banks, for the needy. If marauders, or even needy and meek folks, come, then there will be the abundance of food, to avoid problems. If they don't come, then there will be so much more for the rest of the neighborhood.
Click the Image and Order Your Own Supply Of The Most Famous And Popular Freeze-Dried Survival Foods! Freeze dried food lasts much longer, in storage, than do MRE Meals, or meals ready to eat.
HuntingHunting and God Hunting Gear Hunting Gifts Improvised and Special Weapons Falconry
FalconryFalconry is impractical, unless you have a full-time falconer. Hunting and God: Hunting And Shooting Outdoors With A Gun Or A BowFamily Survivors is a mostly Biblical website, so we are concerned only with the kind of game, that our Heavenly Father has promised always to provide for us, so long as we obey his laws. Therefore, we are concerned only with hooved ruminants, and birds. Not with bears, coons, muskrats, boar, possum. All the latter have been forbidden to us, and, if we should hunt them, we would be punished with disasters and malaise in our land. Always spill all of the animal's blood on the ground, as soon as you have killed him. 11 Ways of Hunting withImprovised, or Special,Weapons
1. Blowgun Hunting52 Minute Travelogue2. Bolas HuntingSubstitute chunks of stone or wood, or whatever you can scavenge. Aim for the legs of your prey. Don't forget to practice at home, before you go out into the wilderness.
3. Boomerang Hunting4. (also short-range thrown stick) In a stron wind, face between 45 and 90 degrees away from the direction of the wind, toward your throwin hand. In other words, throw to the right of the wind, if you will be throwin rightly handed. Follow through with your arm after releasin the boomerang. Flick your wrist, just before releasin. Boomerang should tilt top-to-bottom about 35-55 degrees, but edge-to-edge should be straight on course. From the videos, I get the notion that there are 2 kinds of boomerang, one for flocks of birds, and another for animaux on the ground. Boomerangs are not easily made, but they are easily borne. Either you would brin one with you, or else would make one by hand in a lon-term base camp, but not in an emergency situation would you make a boomerang. In an emergency, you would rather make a thrown stick, as in the next video down. The thrown stick can be used for birds, or perhaps to stun a deer if you get close enough to him.
5. Club 6. Lariat 7. Heavy Rock Dropped from Above 8,9,10. Rock Thrown Sling Stone, Slingshot Hunting 9. Slingshot versusShepherd's Staff's Sling:10. How to Shoot aSlingshot Playin List:11. Spear Hunting:These spears, below, are hoven with slings. Kangaroo is not kosher, but, of course, our Father has told, to us, that he will always supply his children with cloven-hooved ruminants, or with birds or fishes.
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HUNTING GEAR, HUNTING SUPPLIESHere is that, which you will discover , in our "Hunting Supplies " department:
The deer decoy has become more popular amon hunters in recent times. If your beneficiary is a hunter or huntresse, of deer, they will be tickled with you, when you give, to them, this gift!
You will be virtually transported to an array of deer decoys, when you click on the image on your right!
Your duck hunter will be pleased with your gift, of a duck hunting decoy! These are particularly amazin decoys!
You will see a full array of duck hunting decoys, when you click on the image, on your right!
A decoy pair makes a great and surprisin gift, if your beneficiary is a hunter, or a huntresse, of turkeys!
When you click on the image, on your right hand, you will be virtually transported to a web's page, that shows, to you, a selection of turkey hunting decoys.
HUNTING BINOCULARSA good pair of hunting binoculars must have a good focus and a comfortable hold. Binoculars for searching, after game, are used in tough situations and they ought to be waterproof and rugged. The binocular’s vision power need to be high as in searching, after game, you must be able to see your goal plainly. As hunting requires finding and tracking wild life that is very fast, highly cautious and hidden, the hunting binoculars really should have a wider objective lens. When you are searching, after game, in early early morning or in twilight you need as much light as possible to enter your lens otherwise your efforts are a waste so it is better to choose a binocular with wider lens. A bigger objective lens means a bigger field of view and a larger exit pupil. But in a game binocular higher magnification is only secondary to light and field of view, so it is better to choose a binocular with large objective lens and less magnification. As hunting requires a lot of foot travel and hauling your gear, hunters prefer a light weight and smaller sized hunting binoculars. Experienced field and wood hunters prefer to choose a 8x42 which supplies good light and magnification. The mtn or the wide open terrain hunter prefers a 9x35 or 10x42. You can find a wide range of searching binoculars in different brands and several price ranges.
SIMMONSProsport Compact BinocularThese binoculars are compact and reliable. They give a crystal clear view with the help of the BK7 roof prism glass and the completely coated lenses. They weigh only 7.3 oz and very easy to carry and use. They are good for spotting large game. Their price range is from $14.99-$19.99. Click on the image, on your right, and you will learn about gettin your own pair of SIMMONS Prosport Compact Binoculars!
8x42mmWaterproof and Fog Proof Roof Prism BinocularsThey are offerd with a multi-coated optics for superior light vision. They are fitted with O-ring seals and nitrogen-purging which makes them fog-proof. precise and easy adjustments can be made with the center focus knob. The non-slip rubber armor offers you a firm grip on the binocular and they are also shock resistant. The BAK-4 roof prisms present a bright, clear and crisp view. They are compact and fitted with good quality lenses. They have a strong construction and they are easy to use with your glasses. The price of this binocular is ~$78. Click on the image, above right, and you will learn about gettin your own pair of BUSHNELL Waterproof and Fog Proof Roof Prism Binoculars!
Image Stabilizer Binocular
High magnification hunting binoculars have a common shake but this particular binocular which is based mostly on the optical excellence of Canon EF camera lenses, has completely eliminated the shake. Even when seeing from a boat or a moving vehicle the image is very clear and constant. This 8x25 compact model is the earth’s smallest image stabilizing binocular, therfore very easily carried. The chromatic aberrations are minimized by the ultra Low Dispersion Glass. They have a h2o resistant rubberized covering and their price is $400-$2,000. Click on the image, on your right, and you will learn about gettin your own pair of CANON Image Stabilizer Binoculars!
NIKONPremier Binoculars
These are one of the most highly acclaimed optics in the globe and they are engineered to offer supreme performance even in excessive conditions. For improved resolution their Silver coated prisms are coated with phase-correction and the lenses are multi coated to provide bright and clear pictures. The Field-Flattener Lens System is an exclusive good quality of the Nikon binoculars and they supply a crystal clear edge to edge seeing. The magnesium alloy body makes it very light weight and the rubber coating acts as a good shock proof. They have O-ring seals and filled with nitrogen to make them waterproof and fog proof. The adjustable eye cups make them less difficult to be used with eye –glasses. The price of this Nikon binocular is $380-$2,000. Click on the image, above right, and you will learn about gettin your own pair of
These binoculars attribute the Swarovison technological innovation which is a combination of Fluoride HD optics, field flatter lenses and large eye relief. This know-how ensures a full view of the field and the view is total even for eye glass wearers. The fast and exact focusing is made possible by the new focusing mechanism. The eye cups can be removed or adjusted to three stages. You can see a very bright image even at dusk. The swaroclean coating on the exterior of the lens makes cleansing easier. The price of these hunting binoculars is $2,429.99-$2,699.99. Click on the image, above right, and you will learn about gettin your own pair of SWAROVSKI EL Swarovision Binoculars!
You can pick hunting binoculars that suit your wants as all the binoculars serve their function.
TRAPPINGkwd - trapping
FISHINGAngling, that is fishing with a rod and, usually, a reel, is more of a sport, and is to be relied upon, in emergencies, only by those, who pursue it as a hobby regularly. Because it takes a lot of skill, knowledge, and practice. There are other techniques, of catchin fishes, which may be more suitable to a "lay" fisherman, for emergencies only. Some of these are forbidden by the laws of the freemasonic government (a foreign power, led by the Duke of Kent) in the USA, so be canny about where you do it. I suggest that you study how to set trot lines, dip nettin, broad nettin, trappin, and poisonin, to get more fishes more easily. Black walnut and butternut hulls will render fishes unconscious or dead, without harmin the eater thereof. Durin the spawnin runs, fishes can be snagged with a treble hook and a sinker, at the end of a lon strin, or lenth of twine. Run out 3 feet from the hand, twirl it around a few times, and cast into the river, then jerk it back quickly. You may snag a fish. It is considered to be illegal by the illegal masonic government, so beware where you do it. Here is an article, read the comments, about why snaggin should not be done durin times of law-and-order, but only in emergencies:
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ForagingTo do this topic justice, you must anticipate where you'll be, and study all the books, go out in the field and identify every plant you find, go to classes and field tours on the topic, and make friends with other who know about it. Most of the food in the fertile spots on earth has not even been identified as food. I have some experience with the eastern middle USA, and I'll give to you some pointers that you will never find anywhere else, unless they got them from me:
Farming and GardeningMulch -- When you put enough mulch, couple years ahead of time, you never have pests nor diseases in the plants. However strawberries have been known to need some attention even with the mulching system. Ruth Stout was a pioneer in getting rid of needless chemicaux as promoted by the manufacturers of them. I once had an apple orchard, and went to "Apple School" a free weekend at a resort in the Blue Ridge Mountains ("apple land"). The "teachers" taught the poor uneducated orchardists that they must spray the trees to get the flowers to come out, another time to get the flowers to fall off, another time...28 times they had to spray, not just to kill pests, but just to make the tree perform its ordinary functions. The state representative of Virginia Polytechnic Institute was at the classes to approve everything that they said. All the official folks endorsed the method taught there. Fortunately I had already read Ruth Stout's book and I therefore knew that what they were teaching there was bunk. The seeds used by the farmers were developed by VPI, Virginia Polytechnic Institute. Did they develop apple seeds that were resistant to pests? No, they developed seeds that were dependent upon sprays. Something really funny was going on. It turns out that the school was sponsored by the company that manufactured the chemicals that were used in the sprays. They were sold in the local Southern States Coop. I had some old Organic Gardening magazines and took them to the office of our local extention agent from VPI, and offered to give them for her to share with the growers in contact with her. She became
very angry and tried to say "We don't do that here" but stammered over
her words, she ws so upset. I learned later that her husband was the
manager of the Southern States Coop that sold the chemicaux. We had a
jumbo conpiracy here If you want to find out more details ant a lot of great tips by Ruth from her decades of experience, then click on the image of the book, and it will take you to an ordering page with lots of customer reviews of the book. Natural Farming -- I just made up this term to denote the concept that you set apart a bit of your land and let it grow wild, then eat the "weeds" which aren't really weeds at all but they are food and medicine. Then you manage by thinning and mulching and watering where necessary. Thinning means you harvest and use the plants, or else give them away or preserve them. To learn more about this see my instructions and tips here.
Insects: Leaping Straightwings (Order: Orthoptera)God, in the Bible, says that these are good foods for us to eat, provided that we have refused to be vegetarians -- grasshoppers, crickets, locusts, cicadas, except those, such as the mole cricket, that do not jump. He said, also, that he will see to it that, in times of emergency, his servants will not be forced to eat forbidden foods, such as rats, spiders, snakes, squirrels, and so on, which, if we eat them, brins down curses on our land. Here is how to make them ready, to be eaten. Take off the head and the appendages, then roast them awhile. After they will have been roasted, then pinch the pointed end at the rear, and pull upon it, so that the guts come out in a curly strand. Now are they ready to be eaten. John the Baptist lived upon honey and locusts while he was out in the wilderness. Many times the growers have seen the swarms of grasshoppers or locusts fall on their crops and call out "Alas, the food will be ruined!". But these insects ARE food, so just switch your menu if they happen along.