![]() Thoughts aboutTrapping
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Trapping Index:
The LEGAL WAR toPROTECT HUNTING andTRAPPINGFamily Survivors is in favor of trapping stayin legal. I do not personally like to cause sufferin if it is not needed.Animal groups that want to disarm us and ban traps have been more active, well funded, & upheld by the foe's media of communications than we have been. We need to get busy & overthrow them. The way to do this is to form a brick or local unit of Family Survivors to uphold the struggle led by Tru Keesey's Joint Networks. You may qualify to be informed about how to start a brick of Family Survivors in your whereabouts.
WARDIN CHICKENS andWILD TURKEY EGGS againstRACCOONS and OPOSSUMSRaccoons especially have been very clever about stealin chickens.One in particular reached through the chicken wire & ate the chicken clearly down to the bone just by pullin the meat through the spaces in the mesh. He totally cleaned each and every bone. Hungry he must have been. It is easy for some folks to hate the stealer of chickens, but if we do, we are only seein a bit of our own selves that we do not like. It will be luckier for us when we treat the offender kindly. We kill him if we must, but in the end we will be happier if we do it kindly. Opossums and raccoons have thumbs. The "dogproof" trap is a comparatively kind way to trap beasts who have thumbs. Just be aware if you anchor the dogproof trap to a saplin, the beast may climb and drag the trap over the top of the tree. One raccoon was found dead with the trap in the saplin's crown, hangin from it by his hand or paw. It seems that the cage-traps, such as Havahart, work well for opossums while the dogproof traps succeed with raccoons, though we can use either for either. If you want to read customers' reviewins of dog-proof traps then click here. If you want to see about buyin them, then go to here.
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WARDIN LIVESTOCKand PETSagainst FIERCE BEASTSSuch as Bears, Coyotes, Wild Cats, & Wolves"For one bobcat to live, 5 rabbits must be killed. For 5 rabbits to live, one bobcat must be killed." This is the principle that we must drum into the heads of the foe -- the numbers of them who may be able to realize it. We know about packs of foxhounds, & clubs of folks who follow the hounds on horseback as they chase the fox across the landscape. They are our friends. There are others who have been in the habit of deliberately interferin with such foxhunts, & have been so influential as to get them to have been banned by law in England. They have called themselves "hunt saboteurs" & have been highly funded by the anti-White financiers & upheld by the anti-White media of communication. Ultimately the goal of those who have been backin the saboteurs is to disarm us and to painfully exterminate us. Most of the saboteurs we expect know nothin of the goals whereto their ill-thought-out doins have been meant to be led. A "one interest" lobby, such as the NRA, is not suitable to resist such a big movement. Here is where Tru Keesey's Joint Networks is perfectly designed to handle such threats, but only with your support. Form a brick, or local unit of Family Survivors. When coyotes haved moved into an area, they have eaten most of the red foxes, & have become a greater threat to wild game, to pets, to children, & to livestock than the foxes were. It is for that reason that Family Survivors encourages you to liaison with your nearest pack of foxhounds or foxhuntin club to convert them from huntin foxes to huntin coyotes, even on your property. Also you will be helpin our cause right much if you can get them to check out the possibility of formin a brick in Tru Keesey's Joint Networks. Personally, if you have a practical need to warden your livestock against bears or cougars, I like the notion of huntin them with packs of bearhounds, such as Great Danes or Plotthounds, possibly on horseback. This article is supposed to be about trappin, I know, but to me it seems to be much kinder to take out a beast in the excitement & adrenaline of a chase than to restrain him in a painful clamp for hours or even days. So that is why the alternatives are presented here, so you might not need the use of the crueler methods. Remember that the kinder that we are, the luckier and healthier we eventually become, after a while. |